Valentine’s Day and the Journey of Love

Valentine’s Day and the Journey of Love

Valentine’s Day has been celebrated throughout the decades. It is one holiday which has a word that we all aspire to feel, a word that is said to make the world go round. It is also a word that brings with it the promise of heartache, destruction and devastation. Yes folks, you guessed it. The word “love” has inspired many books, movies, songs and poetry. Wars have been fought in the name of love, and people have had to go through hell and high water for its sake. And now we have a holiday that celebrates love, and with it comes valentine day flowers, valentine day chocolates, and the pressure along with it to purchase even a simple valentine day gift for her. Is love supposed to be contained to one holiday? And if it has inspired such great artistic movements, is it justified to give it merely a day? Or like any great movement, does it deserve to have only a day that is dedicated to just the whole concept of love? Valentine’s Day came from the time of the Roman festival called Lupercalia, which has a dark undertone to it. And it is also rumored to be named after a saint that was executed by the Emperor Claudius on 14th of February, somewhere in the 3rd Century. Although it has such a morbid history, the greeting company Hallmark decided to pick up the concept of marketing love in 1913, and as they say, the rest is history. 14th February has now become the official day of love throughout the world, and for some it brings the promise of a new day, and for others a sense of doom and gloom. Instead of thinking however about the politics of Valentine’s Day, let’s go back to the basic concept of what it was based on- Love.

Hollywood Love
This is the oldest one in the book. Your traditional couple, where two people are completely “in love”. Whether you give it cliched labels like soulmates or new age jargon such as twin flames, it is the stuff that Disney movies are made on. This is the kind of love that one wants to shout out from the rooftops, or the type of love that makes you search for valentine day holiday deals, as nothing is more romantic than a holiday for two. This is also the type of love that one likes to celebrate, holiday or not. Cynics would like to say that every day should be a day of love, and every day should be celebrated. While that is absolutely correct, there is nothing wrong in dedicating a day to rejoice it. On one hand, even though it brings about a mountain of expectations, it is also coupled with joy and happiness. There is no better feeling then seeing your other half walk down the street with valentine day flowers and chocolates, and even better is when you can get a sweet deal for it by using one of our vouchers.

Experts say that if you don’t learn to love yourself, you cannot love another person. And therefore, this is the primary focus on love. There are many valentine’s day offers on our website that one can purchase, and tools that teach us how to love one’s self. The primary message here is to find yourself worthy enough, that when someone else comes along you are not looking for them to fill a certain sort of void, but to merely add to your already amazing personality. Here we are not looking for a Jerry Maguire version of, “you complete me”, because that in itself implies that one is broken, and the only way that you can be fixed is through another person. Rather than looking to another person as being your savior, you need to love yourself enough to know that you have enough power in you to save yourself, and you have everything inside you to heal what you feel is broken.

Love from our nucleus
This form of love is the love we have from our core family. It can be the love of a parent or a child. This type of love is the one that is the unconditional kind. And the one that needs to be celebrated. You can get your mother simple valentine day gifts for her from our website, as a small token of appreciation for all that she has done. You can also give your father something small for his office table, or use our discount voucher to get valentine day flowers for him which will surely make his day. Celebrating the love, you have for your child should also be a part of valentine’s day, and something that we need to acknowledge and enjoy.

Love from our core group
The love we have for the people who are our friends can sometimes feel like the best type of love. This valentine’s day can be spent using one of our valentine day special deals to do something fun with your girlfriends, or to do a really fun boys night in. Just because you don’t have a significant other to spend the day with, it is sometimes really nice to kick back, relax and spend the day with those people who have always been there.

The whole beauty of love is that it makes the world go round, and the point of valentine’s day is to serve as a reminder that love exists. This does not mean that you will not suffer from heart ache, or that someone won’t end up hurting you. This means that there is enough love in the world to access, and all we have to actually do is look within ourselves, for it is right there. In the meantime, if you are craving something sweet, you don’t need to wait for someone to get you valentine day chocolates. Use our discount vouchers to satisfy your cravings. Everything else is a bonus!

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